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Mindfulness & Meditation for Kids and Their Parents
Week 1 Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation
What exactly is Mindfulness and how will it help me?
Story Time: Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda
Mindful Moments: Mindful Bodies and How to Find Your Anchor Spot
3 Question Mindfulness Quiz
Mindful Breathing: Breathe with the Shape
What exactly is Meditation and how will it help me?
Crystal of the Week: Snowflake Obsidian
Guided Meditation: Snowflake Meditation
Homework for Week 1 Checklist
Week 1 Journal Entry
Week 2 Stress: Fight, Flight or Freeze
What is stress?
What is Fight, Flight or Freeze?
Are You Stresesd Out?
5 Question Stress Quiz
How to Make and Use an Aromatherapy Stress Ball
Bedtime Relaxation Ritual to Relieve Stress
Mindfulness Review: What is Mindfulness?
Story Time: What Does it Mean to be Present? (3:23)
Mindful Bodies, Anchor Spot Breathing & Mindful Listening
Crystal of the Week: Blue Lace Agate
Guided Meditation: Ocean Breathing + Step into a Painting
Homework for Week 2 Checklist
Week 2 Journal Entry
(For Parents) How Our Bodies React to Stress
Week 3 Energy: How to Stay Happy & Healthy
What is Energy?
Our Energy Field
Discover Your Energy Field - Being Mindful of Your Energy. (1:34)
Color & Decorate Your Energy Field
5 question Energy quiz
Story Time: My Many Colored Days (3:21)
Mindfulness Review: What is Mindfulness?
Crystal of the Week: Amethyst
Mindful Bodies/Anchor Spot Breathing and Mindful Listening with the Singing Bowl
Guided Meditation: Bubble of Protection with Ocean Breathing
Homework for Week 3 Checklist
Week 3 Journal Entry
Week 4 Empathy: What is Your Empathic Superpower>
What is Empathy?
Sesame Street Empathy
What are the Benefits of Practicing Empathy?
What are the Six Styles of Empathy?
What's Your Empathic Superpower? (Questionnaire)
5 Question Quiz
Story Time: Stand in My Shoes (8:13)
Mindful Bodies, Anchor Spot breathing, Mindful Listening and Heartfulness
Crystal of the Week: Lepidolite
Guided Meditation: Heartfulness
Homework for Week 4 Checklist
Week 4 Journal Entry
Week 5 Self Compassion: Treat Yourself Like Your Own BFF
What is Self Compassion?
Why do we Practice Self Compassion?
5 Queston Self Compassion Quiz
Story Time: Listening with My Heart (6:23)
Self Compassion Exercise
Self Compassion Affirmations
Mindful Bodies. Anchor Spot Breathing, Mindful Listening for One Minute, Mindful Hugging
Mindfulness Review
Crstyal of the Week: Rose Quartz
Guided Meditation: Cloud Meditation with Body Scan
Homework for Week 5 Checklist
Week 5 Journal Entry
Week 6 Gratitude: Find the Good in Every Day
What is Gratitude?
What are the Benefits of Practicing Gratitude?
8 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude
4 Question Gratitude Quiz
Story Time: Giving Thanks (3:10)
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Mindfulness Review
Mindful Bodies, Anchor Spot Breathing, Mindful Listening and Mindful Walking with Gratitude
Crystal of the Week: Tiger's Eye
Guided Meditation: ABC Gratitude Meditation
Keeping a Gratitude Journal
Homework for Week 6 Checklist
Week 6 Journal Entry
Week 7 Peace: It Starts with YOU
What is Peace?
What Does Peace Mean to You?
3 Question Peace Quiz
Story Time: Peace (3:06)
Worry Dolls for Peaceful Sleep
Crystal of the Week: Quartz Crystal Point
Mindful Bodies, Finding Your Anchor Spot, Mindful Breathing, Mindful Listening and Mindful Thoughts
What is Your Favorite Mindfulness Practice and Why?
Guided Meditation: Pond of Peace
Peace Dove Origami
Homework for Week 7 Checklist
Journal Entry
Week 8 Create Your Own Meditation
How to Create Your Own Meditation
Fill in the Blank Meditation
3 Question How to Create Your Own Meditation quiz
Crystal of the Week: Choose Your Own Crystal
Grow Your Own Crystals
Book List
Crystal List
Homework for Week 8 Checklist
Journal Entry
Crystal List
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